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My Wuhan Blog
Memories being kept, not relived.


Experiencing the different lifestyle in Wuhan, changing from a pampered child to an independent adult. Understanding the culture of China, learn new things, make new friends. Join me in this Wuhan trip! :)




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Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 3 - First day having lessons

Today was a long, tiring and exciting day! :) Okayyy... First thing first, woke up early in the morning at 8am and packed my stuffs for class. I was told to leave last because I had to check that everyone has left the room and so, I was late by 3 minutes. However, as there was a valid reason, I do not have to pay the fine (10RMB). So okayy, it wasn't that bad. :) But because I was one of the last few who reached the classroom, I couldn't get myself a seat in front. Instead, I was seated all the way at the back. :(  We didn't really do much for lesson today and it was quite slacky. Soon, it was lunch time....

After lunch which was at about 12.30pm, a group of us went to the back of the school to have a look around (mainly some street shops and hawkers). And, we found the bubble tea that we had yesterday! So all of us bought the yummy yummy bubble tea. It came at the right time because I was perspiring all over and the bubble tea was cold. After that, we bought some sweets and went back for more lessons.

After the afternoon class, we went back to our room to remove our laptops as we were finally heading to our favourite activity; SHOPPING! However, I was quite disappointed that nothing actually caught my eye and mainly it was because the prices are all very expensive. :( So, the girls decided to relax at Starbucks. I only ordered a drink, Caramel coffee or something =.= Then we went to Walmart (another surpermarket) I think the only place that we could shop is at the supermarket. LOL! We bought the most important thing: toilet seat! After all the shopping, we headed back "home" . :)

Back at our room, one word to mention: chaotic. Brenda wanted to shift her table to beside her bed so she started grabbing the sides of the table. Then, cockroaches started to crawl out. And she yelled "AHHH!" followed by me "AHHHH!" =.= 3 cockroaches in the drawer, like OMG, crawling all over the place. I called Zhen Zhao to come up to catch the cockroaches and his room mates - Liang Xun & Hao Teng followed up. At the end, they only managed to catch 1 tiny cockroach.

Hao Teng and Zhen Zhao trying to whack the cockroaches down but to no avail.... :@


The people in China is totally different as compared to Singaporeans. They were all so kan chiong and impolite. We were taking a bus to "Shao Pin Mao" and the bus was very crowded. When they need to alight the bus, they really just squeeze their way out, no matter what they see in front of them. I was even being pushed to 1 corner by one man. What I want to highlight is..... Singapore is still a better place for me, maybe because I have lived there for 17 years. I must start to clean up the room. It is quite messy.

Some photos for the day.....
*OMG! 2 zi lian guys....... Left: Zhen Zhao, Right: Nicholas =.=*

♥stay tuned!
1:09:00 AM