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My Wuhan Blog
Memories being kept, not relived.


Experiencing the different lifestyle in Wuhan, changing from a pampered child to an independent adult. Understanding the culture of China, learn new things, make new friends. Join me in this Wuhan trip! :)





Layout Designer:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 21 - 1st PM test

We had a mini test today, which is 15%. At the start of the paper, I was so relax that I did my work nicely. However, in the middle I started to struggle as I couldn't get the right answer. I panicked and fortunately, Mr Chia gave us another 10 mintues more. :D No lessons in the afternoon again..... YAYY! So happy~ Wanted to go back to the dorm to sleep BUT, again, group meeting......... :( So, I couldn't get my afternoon nap. Awwww~

Anyway, I did something "big" today which is to rebond my hair and cut bangs! OH MY GOD! I feel so weird nowww! Like as if everyone is staring at me :( Nevermind, its okay. This is a good time to change my looks since I'm in China and no one recognises me. Hahahaha! I hope my hair will get better before I go back to Singapore......

Basically, today was supposed to be a "catch-up" day for everyone. My group was doing our project the whole afternoon and I was really tired. Being over here in China makes me understand how it feels like to be working from day to night. When I see my bed, I just feel like lying down and sleep throughout the night. However, I wasn't able to do that due to never-ending workload. :( I'd rather suffer now when I'm young than when I'm working next time. So, it was actually a good training for me. Heehhe! :) I MISS HOME...........

Afraid that our hair will get smelly due to the smoke on the streets....

♥stay tuned!
12:42:00 AM