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My Wuhan Blog
Memories being kept, not relived.


Experiencing the different lifestyle in Wuhan, changing from a pampered child to an independent adult. Understanding the culture of China, learn new things, make new friends. Join me in this Wuhan trip! :)





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Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 11-13 - CRUISE :D

Day 11

My 1st time on cruise. Follow me in this exciting post! We left 12.30pm and boarded the bus. We took a 4 hours bus ride to 宜昌(Yi Chang) and then we had our dinner at 三味酒楼. For almost every restaurant we go, they will definitely serve us this dish: Tomato fried egg! =.=  After dinner, we took a bus to the port where we finally got to see the cruise that we'll be staying throughout the weekend! :D We stayed up till 2am to watch the locks. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience to be able to see it with my own eyes. And now, I fully understand how the locks system works. It was so interesting!

Day 12

I woke up at 6.30am today to go for breakfast. How early! Slept at 2.30am yesterday! :( After breakfast, we went up to enjoy the beautiful scenery! :D Next, we went to Wushan Goddess Creek Scenic where we changed to a smaller boat so as to get a better view of the place. We walked up the mountain and "WOW!", the scenery from the top was very beautiful! After lunch, we went to 白帝城 where we had to climb 399 steps to reach the top. I was panting when I was only halfway up! =.= We took a group photo with a very nice background behind. However, we didn't buy the photo because we were already behind time. :( I regretted for not buying!

Day 13

Last day on the cruise :( Everything was so rush as we had breakfast at 6.30am and have to leave at 7am. I will miss the place! After breakfast, we were all ready to leave. We took a bus to the Three Gorges Dam Visitors' Centre 三峡大坝旅游区. It was such an eye-opener because it was the 1st time that I got to see so many beautiful sceneries. While on the bus heading back to Wuhan, there was an accident along the expressway which resulted in a 20-30 minutes of delay. Everyone woke up as the bus wasn't moving due to the accident. Soon, the expressway was cleared and we were ready to head back to our hostel! Once again, I was so tired that I fell asleep on the bus after the road was cleared! =.=


It was a good learning experience on this 3D2N cruise because I got to experience what I have learnt for my IFF module. Especially for the locks, I found it interesting and I really learnt a lot from my senior, Eudora, because she was explaining to me while the ship was heading forward to the gate. THANKS EUDORA! :) It was a pity that it rained when we were on the cruise. Thus, it was a bit troublesome that we had to walk under the rain or take our umbrella. However, we still managed to get with it and enjoy the rest of our days! :) I was so tired because we have to wake up at 6am to go for breakfast. =.= For the days before this cruise trip, I was so packed up with all the homework and lessons. This trip came at the right time because I got to relax during this 3D2N and now, I'm back and ready for all the projects and tests that are coming right up! Go go go! :) Being able to learn out of the textbook is really a good experience and also, it is easier to learn from experiences rather than from textbook. I managed to gain much more knowledge through this trip! :)

♥stay tuned!
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