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My Wuhan Blog
Memories being kept, not relived.


Experiencing the different lifestyle in Wuhan, changing from a pampered child to an independent adult. Understanding the culture of China, learn new things, make new friends. Join me in this Wuhan trip! :)





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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 22 - Tuesday~

Nothing much happened today. As usual, lessons in the morning (PM lecture) followed by break, then PM practical again..... We had practice for our practical today and I feel that I'm so dead for my practical test because I do not know how to do it all by myself. After lessons, some of the girls went to the salon that I went yesterday and I tagged along because I wanted to make my contact lense somewhere nearby. To me, I somehow had a makeover in China. Hahahaa. Things that I will never try out in Singapore actually happened over here in China. So, to me, its like miracle~ Anyway, I hope this will train me to become more brave and daring enough to try out new things. :) I brought my shoes to the “laundry” yesterday and I got it back today!!! So happy….. :D Didn’t expect it to dry that fast. Weeee~ And when I got it back, I was so satisfied with their service because it totally looked like a new pair of shoes. At night, Zhen Zhao, Jo and me went to 建设七路 for shopping. I love the shopping there because all were street-shopping unlike the ones nearby school, in which shopping can only be done in shopping malls (prices are more expensive). Due to time constraint, I only managed to buy 1 cardigan. :)


With all my seniors around, I feel safe in China. Maybe because they are older than me and I know that they are capable of taking care of us. Also, I changed from an anti-social person to a sociable person, which is a good thing because people always say I look fierce when I don't talk. Now I know that friends are important in my life. I used to take them for granted, thinking that they will always be here for me whenever I need them. Hence, it taught me a lesson, which is to cherish friendship and enjoy every single moment that I spent with them, even though if it is only a minute.

Yuchuan's Black-to-White shoes. HAHAHAH!

My clean brand-new shoes!!!! :D

The crowd at 建设七路

A doggy found in 1 of the stalls

Sugar cane stall along the street at 建设七路

♥stay tuned!
12:02:00 AM