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My Wuhan Blog
Memories being kept, not relived.


Experiencing the different lifestyle in Wuhan, changing from a pampered child to an independent adult. Understanding the culture of China, learn new things, make new friends. Join me in this Wuhan trip! :)





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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 25 - 2nd round of shopping @ 步行街

We had a practical PM test today. I was so afraid because I didn't prepare well for this test. I was again late for the test by 3 minutes, together with a few more people. I hope I can do well for the test. Hao Teng and I started with our movie this afternoon and we were laughing at ourselves due to some foolishness we made while filming. I had so much fun doing the video~

Today, I went to 步行街 for another round of shopping again. I didn't buy as much things as the previous time when I went there with Jo. Anyway, I should stop buying so many things from now on. I'm only left with 800RMB. How am I going to survive for the last week?! I definitely need to borrow money from my friend. :(

Tomorrow is Wudang Shan dayyyyy! I was told to climb all the way up no matter what and I don't think I can do that. :P Tomorrow is a training day for meeeeee! Hahahha! :) Although I'm afraid that I can't make it but I am still looking forward to it. I will do it just for the scenery!!!!!! Jiayou!!!!!!! :D


We came back late to the hostel today, arrived at 10.05pm. Luckily, we weren't being fined by Mr Chia. Thank you Mr Chia! :) While taking a bus back today, I experienced the real crowd. The bus was totally fully packed by all the people that were trying to squeezing their way through in the bus. No matter how fully loaded the bus was, the people still wanted to squeeze in. I felt like I was being squashed into one flat thin piece of paper.

One big difference discovered: Public bus. In Singapore, we will never experience such things (as mentioned above). Singapore has better ability to control the transportation as compared to China. In Singapore, when the bus is fully packed, the bus driver will not open the front door to let anyone in anymore. This is good for the people in the bus because they will not need to really squeeze tightly together throughout their bus ride. I am really fortunate to be able to live in Singapore and enjoy every little part of my life there. <3

♥stay tuned!
1:18:00 AM