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My Wuhan Blog
Memories being kept, not relived.


Experiencing the different lifestyle in Wuhan, changing from a pampered child to an independent adult. Understanding the culture of China, learn new things, make new friends. Join me in this Wuhan trip! :)





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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 30 – Last day of lesson….

Today is the last day of lesson we will be having in WUST 教四楼 room 604. Sounds sad but we had no choice. Things come and go and we have to adapt to it. In a few days time, we will already be sitting in the airplane. Time flies….. However, I still miss home and I am looking forward to 17 October 2010. I will also miss Wuhan but all the memories here shall be kept deep in my heart. I promise. The thing that I will miss here is my delicious 番茄鸡蛋炒面 which I had for my lunch today. My last time eating this meal….. :(

After lessons, we went back to our dorm. Shiling, Brenda, Liang Xun and I decided to go 步行街夜市 at 4.30pm. I slept in the afternoon from 3-4pm. Hehehe :P I always feel so sleepy over here and I couldn’t help it but to lie on my bed and sleep. While we were on our way there, it was raining and I knew that the night market will not be open. Indeed, it didn’t open so we went to ATM shopping mall to shop. There were quite a lot of things to shop there but most of the shops were already closed. We shall go back there again tomorrow! :)

Yay! From tomorrow onwards, we will not be having anymore lessons! Shopping started today! :D I am going to spend all my money that I am left with in these 3 days of shopping! We have no more time to waste. Now, it seemed like time is running out for us. Everything seemed so rush. We have to buy our things, weigh our luggage, practice and study for exam and so on….. Never ending work load again! :(

Today is day 30. It seemed like we just arrived yesterday. Previously, I was saying that I will not miss anything in Wuhan. However, things started to change. As days passed and got closer to Sunday, I started to feel sad that we are leaving here. No matter what, this is still the place where I was trained to be independent. I will still miss this place and I will strongly encourage the future batches to come for this OIP trip because it is really fun and a good learning journey for every single one of us. :)

♥stay tuned!
1:38:00 AM