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My Wuhan Blog
Memories being kept, not relived.


Experiencing the different lifestyle in Wuhan, changing from a pampered child to an independent adult. Understanding the culture of China, learn new things, make new friends. Join me in this Wuhan trip! :)





Layout Designer:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 33 – Time to say goodbye! :(

Today is the last day we will be in Wuhan! So, it’s time to say goodbye! :( Basically, today was a packing up day for me. Eudora and Shi Ling were with me the whole day and we only went to the backstreet, 建设七路 and 建设二路. We have already done our shopping the past few days so today we decided to take a break. While we were relaxing, I believe the rest were busy shopping for their stuffs. At 8pm, we reached back at our hostel. We started packing up and stuffing our things into our luggage. Guess what? My luggage is going to burst soon. It was totally filled with all my stuffs, FULLY PACKED!

Everyone is busy packing their luggage now, worrying that their luggage will overweight or whether they miss out anything. I’ve been through all that just now. I am so looking forward to tomorrow and I know it will come real soon! :D To Wuhan: You have been a really great place to me! All the foods, sceneries, accommodation and the people which I will definitely miss and never forget! Thanks for giving me such great memories! Now, it’s time to go back home! Goodbye Wuhan & see you soon, Singapore! Look out for flight number CZ351! :D


These 33 days in Wuhan really left me great memories which I will cherish for my whole life. The friends that I’ve made here are great! On the 1st day, we barely talk to each other. And now, I talk to them as if I’ve known them for years. Eudora and Shi Ling were still saying that I’m noisy (totally different from what they think of me). Hahaha! It doesn’t matter to me anyway. What matters most is that our friendship will last till we die. OIP rock on! I LOVE YOU! <3

Hand carry luggage

Main luggage

Yayyy! Going home! :D

Auntie at the laundry.... Thanks for all the washing! :)

Strawberry popcorn at 七路! Yummy!

Candy floss! Sweet~ :)

♥stay tuned!
12:14:00 AM